I was blessed enough to book a commercial recently playing Santa Claus (via Zoom) and saw approximately 100 children. I had so much fun doing it that I decided to set up shop at home as well. Not only did I get to play Santa (along with a Mrs. Claus)

numerous times bringing joy to many different children, I also sent them a recording and a keepsake photograph that they could remember how they still were able to see Santa in 2020.
But, I was also fortunate enough to do the same thing for the staff at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia. This was such a wonderful experience as I played Santa to a brand new baby and one of the staff became overwhelmed with joyful emotion that seeing Santa and Mrs. Claus brought tears to her eyes.
The moral of this story is, let's all remember to share joy and happiness anytime we can in any way that we can. What a blessing to see others smile for something you decided to offer out of the kindness of your heart.